perks of project portfolio management Software

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Software

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If you’ve been tracking projects with spreadsheets and sticky notes, there really is a better way. While those can be effective and handy, they’re also very limited when the projects get larger and more complex, requiring a lot of tedious, manual effort and likely a fair amount of repetition.

Purpose-built Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software comes with a slew of out-of-the-box benefits that will address the common pain points associated with the previously mentioned methods and take your take your project management capabilities to new heights.

PPM software is designed with scalability and flexibility in mind. This enables you to tailor your approach to the project, rather than shoehorning all projects into a “one-size-fits-all” model. So, whether project is big or small, complex or simple, you’ll be able find just the right fit that works for everyone involved—and the business.

The right PPM solution should provide an intake framework that help you compile and evaluate project requests to help you determine if they should be undertaken in the first place. Once that’s settled, you can create a project plan according to whichever methodology best suits the project—Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, card wall, etc. You’ll also be able to plan, track, and manage project resources to ensure any are overcommitted or underutilized—both of which can be detrimental to project success.

As your projects progress, conducting ongoing resource capacity planning within your PPM software will enable to balance resource workloads between project work and tickets so that all work is being completed and resources aren’t be underutilized or overcommitted.

And the keys to keeping everything and everyone on the same page come in the form of dashboards and reports. These allow project managers, team members, and leadership to stay on top of project health, potential roadblocks, upcoming milestones, etc. Your PPM software should create transparency among project stakeholders so that the status of each project is known. And in if any issues should arise, you’ll be able to lean on accurate data to inform even the toughest project-related decisions.

Can your spreadsheets and sticky notes do all of that? Discover the perks of Project Portfolio Management software. Learn more

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