Benefits Of Considering Custom Mall Kiosks

by | Aug 3, 2016 | Software

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Most business owners are always searching for new ways to get their products and services out there to more people. While social media and websites can help, you may be missing a significant part of your revenue if you don’t consider the mall. More and more people are turning back to malls for their shopping experience because they can get more options in one place. Therefore, it may be beneficial to put some custom kiosks in these areas to ensure that you’re catching as many new customers as possible.

You’re In Control

Even though you’re located in the mall (or a small part of your business is), you’re still in control. You may choose not to lease a traditional retail building and deal with all the hassles of hiring people, fitting it out and more. You own the machine and still own all your products, and still have the ability to choose what is sold. You also have the option of selling throughout the year or only opening shop during the peak holiday seasons.

More Versatility

Custom kiosks are also more versatile than ever before. You’ve got the option to design it the way you want it and can move to a different location when necessary. Likewise, you can arrange items the way you want them, as well.


A kiosk can be designed however you want them to be so that you can choose the colors, size, style and more. You can even have them created to look like your mascot or a product you sell, ensuring that you stand apart from everyone else.

Expand Without The Cost

When you decide to expand your business, you won’t have to worry about a lot of extra expenses. When traditional companies grow, they must rent or lease more space, buy furniture, hire employees and more. With custom mall kiosks, you just have to purchase a new machine and place it wherever you want it to be.

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